
martes, 9 de diciembre de 2014

dino crane - brooklyn navy yard

[what]: competition by One Prize. the goal is to "give a relatively small amount of dedicated space both flexibility and high symbolic value, to distribute a network of smaller docks in the shared areas, and to have the possibility of holding temporary events and exhibitions"

[where]: brooklyn, new york. 

[who]: raquel prendes, inés idzikowski, irene cañada, magdalena polvorinos

[when]: august 2014

WEEK 01. As the final project of the workshop “Programming Archaelogy” in ONElab, we're building a full size robot dinosaur. We were brainstorming today: just pulled down some hanging chairs and a whiteboard and started discussing our ideas.

WEEK 02. We got divided into teams for the development and settled in the tables upstairs. Thanks to the audio domes, we could work quietly but in an open space. Plus, the views from the top are amazing!

WEEK 03. The construction of the dinosaur started a couple days ago. We received the material through the very convenient rail that goes out of ONElab into the main warehouse. The hooks and pulleys hanging from the ceiling helped us building it up.

WEEK 04. Dino is ready. We moved it to the exhibition square together with the panels sumarizing the process for everyone to see. This was such an inspiring place to work!

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